Best Hearing Aids: Different Types & What/How They Work


Meenakshi Speech and Hearing Clinic has the cutting-edge ear technology solutions and is fully equipped with latest state-of-the-art computerized testing equipment, highly sophisticated hearing aids and a well-furnished setup for Audiological and Speech Therapy. Audiological evaluations in a scientifically designed soundproof double room to ensure accuracy and include having a person respond to both sounds and speech.

How Do We Hear

How our ear functions and how brain receives and perceives sound impulses hold the key to better understanding of hearing and hearing loss. The process of hearing starts with a properly functional outer ear that collects the sound waves emitted from a source and passes it through ear canal to the eardrum. The impact of sound waves on the eardrum creates vibration, which further results in movement of three bones located in the middle ear.

Also See:- Cochlear Implants Clinic In Delhi

The movement of the bones, especially of stapes, which is also the smallest of the three, results in vibration of the oval window situated between middle and the inner ear. This vibration impacts the fluid in the inner ear which further transmits the signals to cochlea, the organ which is responsible for hearing. The vibration of the fluid inside the inner ear bends the hair cells that act as receptors. The bending of these cells triggers impulses that are transmitted to the brain through auditory nerves. Brain on receiving the impulse translates into the sound and comprehends it for further processes.

What’s a Hearing Aid?

A hearing aid is an electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing. A hearing aid is a battery-powered, electronic device that makes listening easier for people with a hearing loss. A hearing aid consists of a microphone, an amplifier and a receiver. The microphone picks up sounds in your acoustic environment and turns them into electronic signals. The amplifier selectively amplifies the acoustic electronic signals. The receiver is a very small speaker that changes the electric signals back to sounds and delivers the sound to the ear.

Types of Hearing Aids

  • Behind The Ear (BTE)

  • Open fit/ RIC Open fit/ RIC

  • In the ear (ITE)

  • A BTE hearing aid

  • An open-fit hearing aid

  • An ITE hearing aid

  • In the canal (ITC)

  • Completely in canal (CIC)

  • Invisible In Canal (IIC)

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