Speech Therapy: Benefits & Classes | Hearing Aids Centre Delhi


Speech therapy is an intervention service that focuses on improving a child’s speech and abilities to understand and express language, including nonverbal language. Speech therapists, or speech and language pathologists (SLPs), are the professionals who provide these services. Clinic with its experienced speech and language pathologists offers treatment for a variety of speech & language disorders. Highlights of the treatment are:

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Treatment on systematic and scientific lines.

  • Customized treatment to suit patients’ specific needs.

  •  Involvement of significant others in the treatment process.

  •  Use of state of art equipment. Regular monitoring to assess the efficacy of treatment.

  • Assistance with academic and vocational placement. Book appointment today

Speech and Language Therapy

Once a child or adult is assessed for a primary disorder, the next step is building a customized Intervention program. We specialize in providing intervention modules on the basis of evidence-based practices from various globally researched programs for a holistic communication stimulation. Each speech therapy session is specially curated to suit the needs of the child and is outcome driven. A client can either choose an In-Person Mode or Online classes.

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Speech and Language Assessment

Meenakshi Speech and Hearing Clinics Pvt.Ltd. has developed their own assessment tool kits for Speech & Language Disorders. We have tailor made assessment forms and procedures to cover a variety of communication disorders for both children and adults. These modules are based on dynamic assessment of the child skills and evaluates the learning potential in a naturalistic environment. It is highly interactive and process oriented.

Speech Therapy Benefits

The main goal of speech therapy is to improve communication. Some of the goals of speech therapy might include: Improving coordination of speech muscles through strengthening and coordination exercises, sound repetition and imitation.

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The ability to express oneself is paramount. Speech therapy may help your child achieve a greater ability to use and understand language, to communicate with others and to express himself or herself to the greatest extent possible.

Delaying speech therapy for your child runs the risk of missing that all-important window of time between birth and three years of age when the brain is maturing and learning happens rapidly.

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What are the Benefits of Speech Therapy?

The goal of speech therapy is to improve skills that will allow your child to communicate more effectively. There are other benefits as well. These can include

 Improvement in the ability to understand and express thoughts, ideas and feelings. Intelligible speech so your child is understood by others.

 Increased ability to problem-solve in an independent environment.

  • Improved swallowing function and safety.

  • Achievement of school readiness skills.

  • Development of pre-literacy skills

  • Improved vocal quality

  • Fluent speech.

  • Development of practical social skills

  • Better quality of life.

  • Greater self-esteem

  • Increased independence

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